The Holiday Feast only a day away, and the market decided to take some profits ahead of the FOMC minutes. Half gap and gap trades played out, and our theoretical support just below the 94.5 breakout held.
DT4$3 traders were advised IF they played to use 2602 as resistance stop.
Throw away day with the JV team on the field.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

eminiwizard [7:38 AM] (44 kB)
[7:39] if close eyes and buy today just use tight stop[7:41] first choice is do we trade at all in thin volume[7:42] shorts may work but against the party mode
eminiwizard [7:49 AM] (99 kB)
[7:49] 15 globex[7:50] 94.5 breakout intact[7:51]java
Zeek Snodgrass [8:36 AM ]gm
eminiwizard [8:38 AM ] hi z
[8:39] yest hi barrier right now
Zeek Snodgrass [8:39 AM] I think half gap and gap are best trade ideas for IB
eminiwizard [8:40 AM] 97.75 xxxxxx
[8:41] think small or not at all
Zeek Snodgrass [8:42 AM] 92.5 is xxxxxx
[8:42] we have had unfilled gaps up last 2 days odds say gap gets filled on third day[8:42] 86.25 half gap from yesterday is open[8:43] 93.5 is xxxxxx[8:43] hidden pivot
eminiwizard [8:45 AM] great stuff thanks zeek
[8:46] Economic Calendar[8:46] fomc minutes this afternoon[8:46] fed up
8:47] been done already
[8:48] narrow range says consolidation continues for now[8:48] back and fill would be nice[8:49] to shake and bake[8:52] middle of overnight range tagged[8:53] over trading is today’s biggest challenge
Zeek Snodgrass [8:53 AM] I think a small reverse wrecking ball trade is best idea. Make a lower low, find support and and try to close higher or even at new all time high
[8:58] there could be profit taking by weekly longs this morning and then the thin volume favors the buying bots[8:58] I believe the buying bots may have their own kids TV show soon
eminiwizard [8:58 AM] rofl
[8:59] 95.5 angel and 99.5 demon[8:59] so 97.5 the marker[9:00]xxx[9:00] u will be amazed at how often that xxxxxx
evan [9:04 AM] ^do you mean xxxx E? or something else
eminiwizard [9:07 AM] i think we have a chance to expand today’s range
[9:07] but think the concept i just described[9:07] holds true most days[9:07] xxxxxx
evan [9:08 AM] ah understood, as in xxxxxx
eminiwizard [9:09 AM] right
[9:09] or just one end even[9:09] zoom
@jotuk6771 @jomama_trades @pipsnticks @Intuitive_Power @shemesht @WatermanLXXIII @clayidus @Cubby_Blu @abydnave @isvibilsky thanks to all and let’s count our many blessings
94.5 breakout intact for now DT4$3
If you are trying too hard today my guess is the past two days weren’t very good for you… Take time to smell the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen… DT4$3 used stop 02 for half gap and gap trade
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving Nirav to you and yours
Armstrong on The evolution of traders DT4$3
DT4$3 chart in play 3 f’s to you: Food, Family, Football and Happy Thanksgiving to all
Grandma needs more makeup… party time Bama
09:34:54 From Zeek Snodgrass : consumer confidence at 10am
09:36:12 From Dennis Parmelee : ty
09:39:19 From Dennis Parmelee : stops down looking for 97.25 to 97
09:40:12 From Dennis Parmelee : half gappers can also try hit and run
09:40:35 From Dennis Parmelee : neutral
09:41:31 From Dennis Parmelee : half gap trade is reasonable idea
09:41:42 From Dennis Parmelee : morre would be nice
09:44:36 From Dennis Parmelee : xxxxxx
09:53:56 From Dennis Parmelee : if gap cant close in first hr
09:54:08 From Dennis Parmelee : assume bulls have edge
10:01:44 From Zeek Snodgrass : today is like navigating the blades of a blender
10:04:16 From Dennis Parmelee : lol
10:04:21 From Dennis Parmelee : in slow mo
10:04:37 From Dennis Parmelee : no trading recommended today
10:04:43 From Dennis Parmelee : just to be clear
10:04:53 From Dennis Parmelee : if got the half gp great
10:05:07 From Dennis Parmelee : 2 times even better
10:05:12 From Dennis Parmelee : once pre market
10:05:20 From Dennis Parmelee : once ib
10:10:03 From wei : sorry, which bar do you use?
10:12:02 From wei : thx
10:16:03 From Cobalt : very helpful, thank you
10:16:23 From Dennis Parmelee : so use that idea for bop page
10:16:47 From Dennis Parmelee : RANGE TRADING
10:16:57 From Dennis Parmelee : STILL INSIDE xxxxx
10:17:02 From Dennis Parmelee : oops
10:17:08 From Dennis Parmelee : lol
10:17:14 From Dennis Parmelee : fat finger
10:28:59 From wei : so gap filled
10:31:18 From Dennis Parmelee : 1 tic
10:31:36 From Dennis Parmelee : yes filled
10:32:02 From wei : thx
10:34:41 From Dennis Parmelee : cover by 95.5 advised
10:35:17 From Dennis Parmelee : stops down if trailer
10:38:01 From Dennis Parmelee : inside day retest
10:45:12 From Dennis Parmelee : paid by 98.5 if long
10:46:13 From Dennis Parmelee : 97.5 mid
11:22:47 From Dennis Parmelee : second test of angel
11:25:42 From Dennis Parmelee : MATD may morph into AATD
11:25:48 From Dennis Parmelee : meaning later buy
11:25:56 From Dennis Parmelee : in afternoon
11:26:05 From Dennis Parmelee : for now range still
11:54:51 From Dennis Parmelee : tedious morning as expected
12:00:48 From Dennis Parmelee : ;unch bbial
12:00:57 From Dennis Parmelee : lunch
12:39:19 From Dennis Parmelee : 94 2 tic ll
12:39:27 From Dennis Parmelee : use xxxxxx
12:39:49 From Dennis Parmelee : lower highs and lows now
12:40:01 From Dennis Parmelee : just marginal
13:03:51 From Zeek Snodgrass : back
13:04:24 From Zeek Snodgrass : holiday getaway has begun
13:04:37 From Zeek Snodgrass : boys will find any excuse to have close up today
13:05:27 From Zeek Snodgrass : Fgoing to be slow going rest of day
13:05:31 From Zeek Snodgrass : dfd
13:05:46 From Zeek Snodgrass : everyone have a great Thanks Giving
13:08:17 From Dennis Parmelee : back at you Zeek
13:08:53 From Dennis Parmelee : may get a bit of gyration around 2
13:09:11 From Dennis Parmelee : will shut down zoom and reopen around 2
13:09:26 From Dennis Parmelee : protect profits if any
14:03:41 From Dennis Parmelee : 92 intact
14:04:13 From Dennis Parmelee : we have that 93.5 to 93.75 idea as xxx support below 94.5
14:09:18 From wei : sorry, why it is 94.5?
14:12:28 From Cobalt : 15 Min RTH……..?
14:14:09 From Cobalt : yes it does
14:15:17 From Cobalt : good to know
14:21:13 From bc : Just popped in to say thanks for everything and wish you a happy Thanksgiving
14:21:20 From bc : DFD
14:21:58 From bc : yes but its in the 80s here!
14:22:10 From bc : san diego
14:22:27 From bc : more like a bbq at beach as opposed to firing up the oven
14:22:34 From bc : coronado?
14:22:43 From bc : very nice!
14:23:12 From bc : yes i know – will catch you Friday!
14:24:56 From Dennis Parmelee : 95.75 (yest close) mid this swing
14:25:08 From Dennis Parmelee : its also the angel
14:38:25 From Dennis Parmelee : Boyz would like to tag the 98/98.25 again I thinnk
14:38:49 From Dennis Parmelee : xxxx 98.25
14:42:27 From Dennis Parmelee : if bought the 94 zone stops up and trail
14:43:11 From Dennis Parmelee : Low has been defended unlikely we take it out now
14:54:47 From Dennis Parmelee : “Fast” (Ha) run down being re-auctioned
14:55:38 From Dennis Parmelee : xxx rth ridiculously good
15:03:20 From Cobalt :xxx today
15:03:29 From Cobalt : just xxxxx
15:03:49 From Cobalt : Thanks E, have a good Thanksgiving
15:04:04 From Cobalt : I’ll sign off in a little bit
15:04:29 From Cobalt : see you Friday am
15:06:23 From Dennis Parmelee : u bet
15:06:40 From Dennis Parmelee : we do quickie ifor ib then leave early
15:06:47 From Dennis Parmelee : market will be dead
15:42:52 From Dennis Parmelee : 30 mins to go
15:43:15 From Dennis Parmelee : mid range at 97
15:49:28 From Dennis Parmelee : No trades recommended
15:50:07 From Dennis Parmelee : and there are throw away days like this that we just need to realize are outliers
16:02:13 From Dennis Parmelee : 95 hit longs bailing out
16:02:27 From Dennis Parmelee : retest 94.5 once more
16:02:38 From Dennis Parmelee : No aatd
16:03:56 From Dennis Parmelee : dropped like a stone last 15 mins
16:04:46 From Dennis Parmelee : turkey forgot to fly today
16:04:59 From Dennis Parmelee : fed up then take a bow