
An aye for an eye

“In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

~English proverb, early 16th century, A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by

Morris Palmer Tilley, 1950, and The Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, 1970


“How to Simplify Your Trading to get the Results You Want”

Free Webinar 

Presented by

NinjaTrader and MARKETwizardz

November 8, 2018 4:15 EST

for Retail Traders, aspiring commercial players, hedge funds

Relevant for

Day, Swing, or Position Traders

Stocks, Options, ETF’s, Futures

Say Yes to Your Success








Sway and Our Emotional Bias

Did Your sytem miss this relationship, or were you more intersted in proclaiming the “Trump” supporters were losers? Is it possible position traders sitting on gigantic gains since  the last presidential election decided to take some profits ahead of the midterms?

All the negativity prompted me to use the E-widget to perform this study.

A BIG Thank You to all the Trump Bashers for allowing me to see behind the curtain for objective Criteria.

The Blissful Comfort Zone

Ten reasons you shouldn’t waste your time coming to my webinar:

  1.  You already know how to trade and are a successful trader.
  2. Markets are random and chaotic is your belief, trading and investing is gambling.
  3. Your pockets are empty, and you cannot imagine yourself ever needing a system like this
  4. Anyone peddling their trading ideas are snake-oil salesmen, as you have discovered by experience
  5. DIY: You would rather spend your own 25 years to discover workable ideas than learn from someone else
  6. Considering other viewpoints disrupts your sense of control
  7. Going to someone else’s webinar undermines your Alpha EGO
  8. You are unhappy with the midterm elections and would rather rant on social media
  9. Forget Adapting. You have seen some of my work before and assume i am stagnant in my thinking.
  10. It’s almost happy hour, why bother?

Five reasons you should come:

  1. You didn’t notice the “d” was missing in blindspots
  2.  Attendees will get special offers if they find any of our services or products of interest.
  3. It’s Free education
  4. All attendees are welcome to attend our Nov 9 Live Trading session.
  5. You believe in yourself and your ability to grow.

The E-widget

The Emini wizard System offers an array of unique strategies, insights and plays for new traders and Professionals. Ready to take your game up a notch? Try the E-widget and watch your charts come alive with simplicity.

Angels and Demons

The Professional Edge

#EMWS Trading Room